Leonardo Amico

Instagram Autopilot

Scroll, like and hide posts with your face. A cautionary prototype for social media UX

Instagram Autopilot is a browser extension that lets you control Instagram with your camera. Show your face to scroll, smile to like and make a sad face to hide posts.

What if a more engaging user experience could at the same time make social media platforms understand us better?

Instagram Autopilot is a preview of what that could be. Turn the camera on and connect with friends and brands directly through your emotions. Smile to like and make a sad face to hide posts, enabled by real-time access to your face.

Maybe a feature like this is already in the works at Instagram. But until then you can try my unapproved alpha version and already discuss if it’s a future of social media we’d like to have or not.

Try on Google Chrome - Chrome Browser Extension. UPDATE 02/2022 - The app was removed from the Chrome Web Store Chrome for copyright infringement 🤷‍♂️.

Read more - Medium.

© 2020 Leonardo Amico